We are all very much familiar with all things cannabis has to offer, be it oil, vapes, edibles or tinctures, that is all connected to CBD and THC, sometimes also CBN or CBC. There is a reason why CBD and THC are so abundant in all consumer products available worldwide – they are major cannabinoids and cannabis plant literally makes tons of these compounds. However, the same cannot be said about minor
Cannabinoids, such as the aforementioned CBC, CBN, CBG… There is also a completely separate group of cannabinoids – varins – and it includes THCV, CBDV, CBV, etc. Basically there is a set of analogues, which are called varins.
The varins, what do they do?
Varins are also naturally occurring compounds, however they are mostly at trace or low levels in most of the cannabis strains. And, actually, only several hemp strains have been shown to produce low to modest yields of these phytocannabinoids. Interestingly, strains that are richer in CBD than THC also provide some naturally occurring CBDV and only small levels of THCV and other varins. That is why CBDV is the most important from this group.
So can you get you hands on CBDV flower?

In essence, yes. Some brands advertise that they have developed or found natural strains rich in CBDV and that may be true, but you should always check their statements at least twice. As of today, it is easier to obtain copious amounts of pure synthetic CBDV isolate. This is by far the most convenient way to get it with the highest potency and without any impurities and other cannabinoids, if you want to enjoy the unhindered potential of this new interesting compound CBDV.
What are the benefits of CBDV oil?
That is a more complicated question to answer. CBD acts upon the endocannabinoid system, it was shown to diminish seizures in certain illnesses, it shows antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities in academic research, which is usually performed on mice, rats or tissues of some organism. Moreover, just as CBD, CBDV is non psychoactive and up-to-date no serious side effects have been reported. Also it helps people to treat select epilepsy syndromes, also with anxiety and depression. It can reduce PTSD symptoms and many different diabetic complications and neuro diseases. It can help in pain relief and with alleviating ALS symptoms.
Which is the best form to enjoy CBDV effects?

Most major cannabinoids have vastly developed consumer product carts: edibles, topicals, drops and tinctures, vape liquids, water soluble formulations. In the case of cannabidivarin (CBDV) – the market is still expanding and you may not find your most cherished product on the shelf. In that case – we would advise you to get in touch with your most trusted brand and to ask them to introduce CBDV gummies or CBDV vapes in their portfolio! However, we have found some big players who already offer gummies, vapes and oils, so be sure to check them out and decide yourself if they are worth the hype.