There isn’t anything more annoying than having to get up from the comfort of your chair and fix a poor digital TV reception. But since we don’t live in a perfect world, poor reception will always exist. As such, the best thing to do is to educate yourself on how to prevent similar problems in the future.
Reception problems range from common to quite uncommon ones. Understanding what needs to be done to solve each one will eliminate plenty of headaches. So with all that said, here is your 2024 guide on how to fix poor digital TV reception.
1. Splitting Image

One of the most common TV reception problems out there is when the image starts splitting. This issue is so common that everyone with a digital antenna has experienced it.
The cause for a splitting image is mostly bad weather. Since bad weather impacts the quality of television you’re watching, there are a few ways to approach this one. When the image starts to split, the smartest thing to do is to inspect if all the wires and cables are properly connected.
If that doesn’t help, then the problem is likely with the antenna. The way antennas work is quite remarkable. They receive signals from broadcasting towers and redirect them over to the box set. But antennas don’t receive the signal from all directions. They only receive from the direction they’re pointed at.
So if your TV antenna is pointed in the wrong direction, then there is a likely chance to problems goes away if you redirect it in the correct direction.
If that doesn’t help, then the best course of action is to hire a professional that will do further investigating.
2. Green Screen

Green screen problems are not only common, but they’re quite annoying. When a green screen occurs, our first thought is to check the cable. If you do this, then you would likely solve the problem. Depending on the type of cable used to connect the antenna and the television, it is likely that the cable isn’t properly connected.
Older antennas use a SCART connection. Since it’s very easy for a SCART cable to eject from the socket, it makes the problem all that more annoying. SCART cables are slowly being replaced with other cables, such as HDMI.
If you notice the cable not fitting into the socket, then you’ve likely solved the problem. But if not, then there is a chance you’re using an older television that’s past its best.
3. Missing Channels

One of the most annoying problems is turning on your television and seeing that you’re missing quite a lot of channels. While quite unusual, this problem isn’t all that uncommon. Surprisingly, this problem is quite common.
But not for the reasons you might think. Like with many of the other issues, our first thought is to and check the cable, antenna, and connection. What you need to know is that this won’t likely solve the problem. While you can try and perform a manual reset of your digital box, the chances of that solving the issue are quite slim.
So what causes missing channels?
Solving this problem is most likely out of your hands. We get the signal from a TV transmitter tower. But these towers require regular maintenance, otherwise who knows what sort of issues might arise. So regular maintenance is important. But to do it, the transmitter tower needs to be shut down.
Although quite annoying, this is most likely the reason why you are missing some television channels.
Speaking of maintenance, it’s not uncommon to experience many of these issues and have no answer to the problem. When that’s the case, the issue is likely with your hardware. If you haven’t installed the digital antenna the right way, then there is no telling what happens.
Because of that, you should hire the right people that know how to properly install the equipment. To learn more about that, check this out.
4. Fuzzy Error Image

A fuzzy image followed by an error message is the worst thing that can happen when watching television. Why is this message appearing, and why is the image all fuzzy?
This issue is mostly hardware-related. Something in the back isn’t connected properly or something is wrong with the cables. So to solve this particular issue, make sure to disconnect the digital box and do some investigating.
Figure out if any cable isn’t connected properly and if anything is wrong with the wiring. Reboot the system and wait. If the problem goes away, then you know what to do the next time it happens. But if it doesn’t go away, then the problem likely stems further. When this happens, it’s best to call an aerial TV expert and have them come over. They will assess the situation and perform technical analysis to figure out what’s wrong.
What they’ll find is likely an issue with the leads, splitters, or cords. Depending on the severity of the problem, they might replace the faulty hardware parts on the spot, or bring new ones.
5. Image Freezes

No doubt yet another annoying problem, but this one is very different from all others. Whenever we get a frozen image, the problem is definitely with the digital reception.
But this time, it’s because you lack the necessary broadband speed to support the signal. In most cases, your box set isn’t getting enough broadband to stream the video. To solve the problem, you should reboot the box set and your router. Once both devices get back online, see if the problem goes away.
If not, it’s best to call in a technician as the problem is likely with your router, as opposed to the digital TV set.
That concludes our list of the five most common digital TV reception problems and how to fix them. Consider this article as your 2024 guide as we’ve laid out the causes and fixes for each individual problem. Some problems are out of your reach and you will have to call in an expert.