7 Ways Pinterest Can Improve Your Lead Generation Process & Increase Sales

Source: jarvee.com

In the age of digital marketing and sales, there are so many apps and places that can help you achieve your goal. For some of them, you already know, but one of the biggest ones currently is, believe it or not, Pinterest.

Currently, there are more than 500 million active users on this platform and there are over 200 billion pins saved on this platform which only indicates ever-growing interest and business potential. Another interesting fact is that 99% of pins on Pinterest contain images. This is important for all of you that are aiming to generate organic, quality leads and build a strong brand presence using this platform.

Pinterest may be started as a social media platform and it was somewhat of a pastime place where you can find something neat for yourself to do or try out. Don’t get us wrong it is still like that but there is so much more to it if you know how to use it. Pinterest is a visual search engine and it is equivalent to image search of Google but there are things you can utilize and do to achieve the goals from the title of this article. With our help, with this article, with Pinterest inspiration and the help of Laurarike you can have your business skyrocket by creating organic leads.

1. Pinterest profile optimization

Source: later.com

Before anything else, your profile on this platform needs to have a format that is professional and branded. The best way to do that is to have your display name show your brand name, as clear and straightforward as possible, you need relevant keywords that are regarding your niche. Another thing, most other users forget is adding keywords in your bio section, because with those you will showcase the main value of your brand or the product you are offering. It takes some fiddling around but this is the as straightforward and clear-cut first step that will ensure that your profile is as professional as it gets.

2. Pin description optimization

The best thing you can do is optimise your pin description in a way that will get you the most organic clicks and views. Why is this so important? Well, the younger generations are doing everything in their power to avoid ads by installing adblockers and whatnot. With this in mind, it is getting tough to boost your business by boosting your pins. By optimisation the description of the pin with keywords and phrases that your audience will search, you are opening yourself a way to drive more traffic to your profile and your pins.

3. Branded boards

Source: elleandcompanydesign.com

When you are starting on Pinterest the best thing you can do straight out of the bat is to create 4-5 branded boards that will reflect on your service or product. For example, let’s say your business deals with social media consulting, you should have boards that are called social media tips and brand them by having them reflect the biggest social media apps like Facebook marketing tips, Instagram marketing tips, more followers on Instagram and the likes of those. You probably get the picture by now. Another thing that is important to do is to optimize these boards with keywords by adding them into the title and boards description and you will see the change they will bring you.

4. Long pins design

The best practices on Pinterest include designing long pins with a ratio of 1000 to 1500 pixels. By using this method, you can promote your offers or your coupon codes and engage your audience that way as well. Although this might not seem like a great idea to most of you, you would be surprised how much this type of pin bring in audiences from all over. Especially if you have a brand or a product that is subject to offer coupons. Try it and see the results. You will be amazed.

5. Different pins designs

Source: louisem.com

When it comes to designs only the sky is the limit. Your imagination too but this is how the saying goes. Now to be serious, with different pin designs you can test out the results and see which one of those yields the best results. Over time you can try multiple pin designs and you will probably notice one or two that perform immensely better than others. This is important because those types of pins will be used to reach larger audiences and generate more and more leads. Don’t be shy, create several different pin designs for each of your offers and conduct a personal experiment to see what works and what doesn’t. act on your results and success is guaranteed.

6. Follow your target customers

Your audience will probably be on Pinterest and they will have their accounts there as well. The best thing you can do is follow their accounts and try to capture their attention that way. The best way to do this is to find Pinterest accounts and boards that are in your niche. This way you are making sure that their interests fall in line with what you are offering and the result has to be there. This is another way that improves your followings and increases engagement on your page.

7. Link your pins correctly

Source: writeontrack.ie

If you think of this social media app as the first step in your lead generation funnel then there is no room for lack of success. This is where people will be made aware of your content and if you correctly link your pins to specific landing pages of your product or services your business will skyrocket. All of those that are interested in that pin will surely click that link and travel to the page of your service or product linked. This way they all learn more about you, your business and all that you offer to them. This is the way that you can generate quality organic leads and build a strong brand presence so make sure you double-check those links and see if they are all in order.

As you can see Pinterest started as one thing and ended up as a medium that will open doors to your business and boost it as well, given the fact that you utilize correct marketing strategies. What we have listed here for you will surely help you out immensely so try these ways today and gives your feedback on the results. Best of luck to you.

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