Dating has evolved considerably over time. Millennials nowadays prefer dating that does not require any serious relationship or attachment. They find their perfect matches through various online applications available. To start dating a person is just a swipe away.
Even though finding a partner through dating apps has become easier, It’s always considered risky. Lots of fraud and cheating happen on these apps. You cannot be sure how the person is without meeting them. The online profiles can be false. Hence there are trust issues when it comes to online dating.
For the people who are not comfortable with dating apps, the old-school method has started again. It’s called speed dating. These are singles events like the speed dating Edmonton events, where eligible singles join in large numbers to find their perfect match. Speed dating is preferable for those who do not have time to meet and go on dates for long hours.
Speed dating is on the boom among millennials. However, it’s important to know if it works. This article will provide insight into speed dating work, its advantages, disadvantages, etc.
The Concept Of Speed Dating

These are events where all the singles join in large numbers and talk in pairs. Each pair can have a conversation for around 4 to 5 minutes, and then the pairs rotate. These events are held by organizations mostly at cafe houses. The concept is literally what its name suggests. They have a brief moment to impress the other and find a match for themselves. The matchmaking should happen within those few minutes that are available.
If, after the first conversation, the participants are mutually interested in each other and agree, they can go further. The organization provides contact numbers of each other to these participants. Once the numbers are provided, it’s all upon the pair, and the organization’s work is complete.
To know whether speed dating works, you must consider its advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages of Speed Dating
As mentioned earlier, millennials mostly look for casual and less complicated relationships. Dating is not considered very serious; in fact, it’s considered something which is routine and should be done by all. Thus, finding dates through speed dating has some advantages. They are listed here.
On-point Date

As the time allotted to each pair is very short, there is no time for other unnecessary talks. You can directly get on point about yourself and what you seek in the partner. It saves your time, and you get to know in just 4 minutes if the person is a potential candidate or not. Another great thing is that you are saved from all those awkward pauses and moments.
Pocket -Friendly
You can do anything for love, but practically, is it affordable to go out on all those dates? And what if it doesn’t turn out well? Then it’s just a waste of time and money. In that sense, speed dating is pocket friendly. You just need to pay for whatever fees the event has an additional if you have a potential match. The advantage is that you get to meet many people at these fees.
Time Saver
One of the biggest setbacks for people to start dating is time. Usually, they don’t have time to go on dates with different people and find the right one. These events are very helpful for those people. By attending just one event, you get to meet so many people; it’s a great time saver.
Disadvantages of Speed Dating
Where there are pros, cons always accompany. It’s like the two sides of a coin. Stepped dating also has certain disadvantages that you should not miss if you are planning to attend one.
Very Short Time
Although the time saver is a big advantage, you get very little time to know each other. Many people would not go with this concept. If you are looking for love, you need to spend more time connecting. The time constraints may not let you know what things you have in common. The short time can work wonders for those who can charm easily, but it’s a disadvantage for others.
Just like you have many options open, the opposite person has that too. Participation is in good numbers; thus, the competition for potential matches is likely to increase. You may lose out on a chance even if you were successful in charming or were able to connect.
Does Speed Dating Actually Work?

Once you go through the advantages and disadvantages, it’s pretty clear if speed dating works or not. It’s all a matter of how you use your skills in those 4 minutes that are available to you. The principle of first impression is the last impression correctly implied here.
Scientific study suggests that speed dating works when it comes to choosing a mate. However, most reports say that speed dating can fail. Its main reasons are the insincerity of the participants and the inability to connect and present yourself completely within those minutes.
Speed dating surely helps you to explore the people around you and know what you are really seeking. But, it’s not always that you will get your potential lover in the event even from those many options. You should be prepared for all types of people and rejections. However, you need not worry if you don’t get a match; it just means it’s not meant to be.
For the youths today, speed dating is always a great option rather than swiping right. During these singles events, you actually meet people and can explore. Whereas in online dating, there are a lot of chances of fraudulent accounts. You also need not worry about pairing during the event; it’s all done by the organizers.
There are pros as well as cons to speed dating. You should definitely try it out once. But don’t keep your hopes high that you’ll get your perfect match. It all depends upon how you use the given time and luck. This article is a guide to know if speed dating will really work out for you.