Can regenerative agriculture really feed the world? In an ideal world, we’d have our crops and our own “bottle tops” or soil, with no need for a third party. But I like to think of regrowing our soils as just another part of the puzzle that can keep the world green and healthy.
Ecological farming makes the most of what Mother Nature has to offer us. It doesn’t just focus on one crop or one type of plant. The crops are taken care of and the soil is cared for. You can feed the world in this way.
Soil in a world without vegetables would be very barren indeed. While plants absorb nutrients from the earth they grow in, soil absorbs all the nutrients in the soil. Even if you have some vegetable gardens or landscaping around your home, they’re not really replenishing the soil and taking care of it as you would hope. They aren’t as effective as you would hope.
Regenerative agriculture is designed to do this. In all honesty, most other agricultural methods don’t do it all that well. We’re talking about soil. Not only is there soil management that needs to be done, there is also soil engineering needed. You want to raise your vegetables in a good soil, but getting the soil right is a bit of a challenge.
In fact, soil is very complex. It takes a lot of different types of organisms to properly nurture it. Not all of them are compatible with each other and that’s why it’s very important to try and find the ones that are compatible with each other and put them together to make the best soil possible.
Just think about what all of the soil is doing. It’s getting organic matter out of the ground and building it up into plants and fruits and vegetables. It’s holding on to rainwater and helping it to infiltrate the soil for a better flow, as well as recycling and storing carbon dioxide.
Regenerative agriculture takes this one step further. Because of the different soil qualities of different locations, each land type will have its own requirement for nutrients. Having all the nutrients at a certain point in the soil is what regenerative agriculture does.
Regenerative agriculture is a big change for most people. You will start off with a different approach than you’re used to and you’ll have to adapt to it all. At first, the yield of your vegetables will likely be lower.
However, after a few years, you will begin to see the difference in your soil. As the soil becomes more established, it will begin to grow taller and broader. And after you’ve been practicing regenerative agriculture for a while, your plants will come to rely on it and the soil will take on a richer texture and color.
It will start to be healthier and more productive. It will also take on more structure. After all, the soil has been carrying the bulk of the weight of the planting process.
You will have to take the burden of cleaning the soil off your shoulders and start to feel the full responsibility. As your crops grow, the soil can’t keep up the growing and harvest. So instead of carrying the soil to the field to work, you will be the one carrying the soil back home and into the basement for the composting and fertilizer.
Regenerative agriculture is really a powerful tool for addressing soil sustainability. It allows you to take part in soil health and can be done without you ever lifting a finger. Think about it – you are taking a proactive step towards preventing soil erosion and introducing valuable nutrients to the soil.