Having the ear gauge as your accessorizing style is like having a brave and bold soul to define your identity and personality. It may be unconventional for some people, but the style is undeniably outrageous and fierce. The best ear gauge accessory designs will surely add meaning to your appearance. Hence, if you are about to decide on getting ear gauges, I recommend you to start wearing small ear gauges to have a safe procedure before stretching it out and getting a bigger ear gauge. Moreover, small ear gauges really look classy and cute anyway, so better leave your ear gauge size that way.
Gauge 20 is the smallest ear gauge size. This size appears to be smaller than an ordinary pearl. With this small ear gauge size, you can accessorize your ear gauge without making it look shocking. Thus, ear gauges sizes from 20 to 0 are still considered to be small and fashionable to be paired with your other ear piercings. Always remember that the bigger gauge sizes the smaller the diameter of the size. Bigger ear gauges can also be called plugs as it is popularly known. It is better to start with a smaller gauge size to avoid the possibility of infections, pains, and injuries. For ear gauges and plugs, there are millions of exciting designs and styles to choose from that are made from varied materials.
Earplugs and gauges make way for more jewelry surfaces visible on your face. It adds beauty and grace especially if the ear gauges have bigger or gigantic sizes. Moreover, ear gauges have the capability to add an iconic statement and remarkable characteristics to your look. But the small ear gauges style looks more luxurious especially if it is accessorized with gold ear cuffs and a sleek dangling earring to match. There are so many ways to style a stretched ear. For ears stretched will a small gauge size, you can get ear tunnel accessories that are hoop and dangling in style to make the ear gauge bigger if you want to. Chainlinks’ designs make the daring and bold statement look fiercer and adventurous.
Having earplugs and gauges do not literally mean and intend for you to look rebellious and masculine. There are designs that are also feminine and elegant too. Aside from hoop and dangling small ear plugs and gauges designs, there are also cuffs that can be worn on one side or half the perimeter of the earplug area. Other designs form a conical shape that is only worn on the lower side of the earplug area and covers the rest of the tip of the ears.
These are truly unique and innovative accessory designs that changed the way you will see how earrings can beautify and embellish. With the designs of ear gauges, you will definitely think about getting an earplug or gauge or appreciating someone who has one.

In the world of fashion, art, creativity, and courage is the only limit to going beyond measures and being yourself. Earplugs are a great way of accessorizing one’s self since ancient times and these ear gauges designs pay tribute to its art and beauty.