Establishing a commercial kitchen means employing some high-level systems that are supposed to simplify work around the kitchen itself and prevent potential problems that could happen in a place where so much food is made daily. After all, even when we cook in our own space the aftercare of our kitchen can get to a rather silly degree. With something as large as a commercial kitchen, it also means increasing the overall workload on the employees and hiking up the cost of maintenance. In order to keep your whole operation working properly, it’s important to have your grease trap operating at the highest possible capacity.
Why a good grease trap is important?
The grease trap has a rather simple utility. It makes sure the grease or any other type of harmful waste that we dispose of through our pipes doesn’t negatively impact them. Grease and fat are key offenders when it comes to the compromisation of our pipes’ health so it makes sense why we would want to nullify their effectiveness as harmful materials.
When it comes to a grease trap that is servicing a business, the utility and benefit of it is rather obvious. Not only does it reduce the downsides of grease and fat but can speed up your business overall. Your employees won’t need to worry about the effects grease and fat have on the pipes or any of the other items in their workplace while you needn’t worry about constantly having to deal with clogs. The reduction of overall workload within the workplace is something that benefits you even more than the elimination of potential costs for repairs. If you have already run into an issue with your grease trap, we suggest you contact a professional who can assist you. Especially if it’s a cleaning problem, we suggest you contact phoenixgrease.com for reliable and cheap services for your grease trap needs.
So what pitfalls do people run into?

When installing a commercial grease trap the most common pitfall is not taking into account the workload that the grease trap itself will have into consideration nor some other specifications of it. These can include anything from its location to its physical features.
Consider the size of your grease trap
This is the first thing you should consider when employing a commercial grease trap. The number of guests you expect and the overall capacity of your business. By taking these statistics into account you’ll avoid the possibility of getting a grease trap that is too small for your needs.
Getting a grease trap that is too small can lead to other issues such as grease traps failing to fulfill their role completely and leaving grease and fat as a danger to the rest of your installation.
Material it’s made out of matters

When it comes to the material the grease trap will be made out of is yet another important factor of the whole process. Picking material that’s not optimal for your needs is suboptimal and one of the standard pitfalls of grease trap installation.
Now when it comes to selecting the best material to make your grease trap out of, you’ll have another thing to consider. That being the needs of your business. Depending on what the grease trap needs to do, barring the universal utility it has, you may want to look into different materials. The most common and generically useful one is stainless steel especially its acid-resistant variants but it pays to explore the subject fully in order to get the most out of your grease trap.
Location of your grease trap
Grease traps can be either above or below ground. The difference in installation also impacts the utility or compatibility they have. The above-ground grease traps can be as simple as a simple metal or plastic tank that prevents fats, oil, and grease from flowing into the septic and sewer systems. It can look like a simple box made out of the aforementioned materials and is often used for smaller tasks. After all, an excessive amount of these substances above ground could be dangerous to a business.
If they malfunction, the grease could spill throughout the object, causing hazardous areas to both employees and customers. Of course, for smaller businesses, these traps will suffice but the larger ones should look into a buried grease trap. The buried variant has a similar use but due to it not being directly in the object it is used for it won’t cause immediate issues if it runs into issues. Although you do need enough space for a buried version and some locations may not be capable of accommodating one so make sure to check the compatibility before purchasing one.
The failure of picking the right one to use may result in your business being obstructed by a large above-ground grease trap or your budget riddled with legal fees if you do not follow the rules of installing an underground one.
Other concerns

Usage and features of the grease trap are no less important than the previously mentioned factors. The usage of your grease trap refers to the application it will have. Maybe it connects straight to your sink or it has its own disposal area that it’s tied to. Depending on the type of materials you aim to flush the properties of the grease trap may change too. As for additional features, the most noticeable and frequent one will be the self-cleaning property that some of these items offer. It reduces the overall time it takes to clean the item and can cut down work as well as the cost of having a grease trap even further.
The benefits and different effects can be discerned by simply looking over available models and checking what you need and what you feel is unnecessary for your item. The overall use of the grease trap is something to consider twice before diving into it because certain models may play the role you require way better than the ones you are currently looking at.
When all is said and done the keyway to preventing the potential issues and bad choices when getting a grease trap is to explore the market. Make sure all the needs and wants you have been accounted for and then pick out the grease trap that best suits you. That way you can mitigate problems that would otherwise crop up either due to lack of compatibility or capability.