Erectile dysfunction is a frequent sexual health concern that occurs in men, regardless of their age and demographics and is usually associated with being unable to achieve and/or maintain an erection.
The nature of the erectile dysfunctioncondition makes discussing this issue difficult and uncomfortable, especially considering that a rising proportion of younger men agree that they are experiencing pressures and worries when it comes to their ability to perform in bed, proving to be detrimental to men’s mental health.
This is especially relevant to younger men who might be less experienced, and in case if ED does occur, it could have a negative effect on their mental well-being due to the unexpecting nature of the condition. Fortunately, there are some very effective medications to counter ED, one of them being Bluechew – a widely popular ED medication in the U.S.
In addition, plenty of research and studies show that more and more younger men are experiencing this condition compared to the previous decades. In order to get a better understanding of the key reasons and contributing factors of the growing rates of erectile dysfunctionin younger men, read the following Pharmica article that outlines the key reasons behind the conditions, latest statistics as well as the treatments and top tips on how to get your mojo back.
The Causes of ED

ED (aka impotence) is a condition that occurs in men where they struggle or are unable to maintain an erection for long enough to have sex. The key physiological reason behind this condition can be divided into two key reasons.
The first one is poor blood flow where the body is unable to supply enough blood to the end destination due to restricted blood vessels, heart health issues as well psychological reasons like anxiety and depression.
This could be considered as a primary cayse of ED ones and needs to be addressed by adjusting lifestyle and habits. On the other hand, the second primary reason behind erectile dysfunctionis the early release of PDE-5 enzymes which contributes to erection subsiding, preventing further erections from occurring in the short term.
Being diagnosed with ED can affect the mental well-being of some men and cause severe distress. It is also important to know that ED could be caused by more severe underlying conditions like diabetes, heart issues and lifestyle factors like drinking, smoking, levels of exercise and consistent diet features, affected by mental health factors like the amount of stress or anxiety experienced.
Finally, the key influencing factor is age – as we age, our body changes, affecting some of our key abilities which include blood, muscles and hormone levels, directly contributing to ED among older men. However, for the younger man who experience ED, there are many other factors that could be affecting and increase the risk of being diagnosed ED:
Your Diet

Your overall diet also has a significant impact on the risks associated with being diagnosed with erectile disfunction – research suggests that eating a high intake of fatty junky food can directly contribute to the risks of developingerectile dysfunction.
This can happen due to fat and cholesterol building up in arteries, making them harder and narrower, affecting our blood flow within our body as well as causing changes in blood pressure and blood circulation.
As a result, the process of flowing blood to the intended destination gets more difficult, further increasing risks oferectile dysfunction. Furthermore, eating unhealthy foods and maintaining a poor diet affects the levels of cholesterol as well as creating a higher chance of developing diabetes, directly affecting the erectile dysfunctioncondition probability.
Considering the growing availability and affordability of junk food, more and more younger people are affected by the health risks associated with unhealthy diets.
Maintaining an unhealthy diet that includes a lot of junk food is usually associated with higher risks of developing CVDs (cardiovascular diseases) that cause a build-up of fat and cholesterol in arteries, further affecting the risks of ED.
Apart from increasing the risks of ED, CVDs also cause significant and life-threatening conditions and effects that could cause severe underlying health concerns over the long run, especially if you have a family history of cardiovascular diseases.
Therefore, if it is believed that ED could be caused by cardiovascular concerns, it is worth discussing these concerns with a doctor considering that ED could be an early sign of heart health issues. Consulting with a professional can help to pinpoint the evidence behind erectile dysfunctionas well as allow treating CVDs at early stages.
Alcohol Consumption

Another key contributing factor to ED (as well as heart health and CVDs) is the amount of alcohol we consume. Considering the fact that recently more and more younger men admit consuming higher amounts of alcohol over long periods of time, a pattern could be established in terms of the correlation between alcohol and ED rates among younger men.
This trend was especially noticeable after lockdowns and quarantine that took place during the Covid-19 pandemic where a correlation between a significant increase in alcohol consumption and risingerectile dysfunction condition cases saw an increase in correlation between the two.
Furthermore, the drinking habits among younger men differ from older men where more alcohol is consumed over a shorter period of time, placing more stress and pressure on the heart and, consequently, blood flow, further increasing the risks of ED occurring
Growing Rates of Drug Use

Another trend observed recently is the growing rates of drug use among younger people for the last decade compared to statistics from years before that.
Using drugs might have a temporary good effect on sexual experience but in the long run, it affects the blood flow through tightened blood vessels, increasing the probability of erectile dysfunction as well as decreasing the libido levels and sensitivity.
In addition, some drugs can also have an inhibitory effect on some of our receptors, further desensitising the sensations during sex, affecting the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.
Further research is required to draw concrete conclusions but the imperative evidence supports the hypothesis that using drugs directly increases risks of erectile dysfunction.
Mental Health Factors

Finally, as mentioned previously, psychological factors like mental health concerns can have a direct effect on the risk of erectile dysfunctionoccurring.
Considering younger men might be less experienced and more prone to social pressures, as well as performance anxiety, there is a higher risk of ED conditions occurring in the long run.
Furthermore, considering the cyclical nature of similar events, if this occurs more often within a specific time frame, there is a risk that this issue might grow into deeper concerns and issues in the future. The build-up of stress and anxiety can lead to reduced libido and lower enjoyment from activities like sex.
However, there is good news! There are more and more clinically proven, safe and effective erectile dysfunction treatments available which can be purchased here. These treatments offer a variety of approaches to treating ED, depending on the consumer requirements. Furthermore, necessary lifestyle changes can take place to ensure that a healthier approach to lifestyle is adopted in the long run