With the electricity prices skyrocketing amongst the other expenses, many people are now turning to solar energy, by installing solar panels at their homes. Solar panels use sunlight (which is free of any cost) to generate electricity which can be stored in batteries and other devices to operate different electrical appliances in the homes.
Different agencies which provide solar paneling at homes and offices are available on the internet. These are the group of experienced people who provide inspections of the site, installation of panels, and management and maintenance of the same. New users can click here for further information.
Not all homes and buildings are safe for the installation of solar panels. People should be aware of a few things before getting any installations done. Given below is a list of 7 things to check before installing solar panels at your homes:
1. The age of your roof

It is always advised to determine the age and condition of your roof before thinking of getting any solar installation done. Usually, the representatives of the paneling company would pay your house a visit and check the roof for its capability to hold the new fittings.
If everything is okay and the roof can sustain the solar panels, then the technicians and fitters would install them onto your roof.
However, if during the detailed analysis and inspection of the roof and house, any issue is found, then the installation process may be put on halt until the situation gets fixed and better. If this is your case it’s advisable to hire a professional roofing contractor like G&A Certified Roofing North to get your roof ready to have panels.
These situations and issues could be an underlying problem with the roof or some wear and tears which could make it difficult for the house to support the new solar panels. You can get them fixed, or explore and browse for different paneling solutions and materials.
2. The direction of insolation

Insolation can be defined as incoming solar radiation, rays, and sunlight. It is important for everyone considering getting panels installed to check the insolation and the direction of sunlight beforehand.
This is an important aspect in solar panels as energy generation is directly affected by the amount of incoming sunlight. The more sunlight, the more electricity is generated and can be stored or used as required. If the sun does not hit your roof directly, you can consider getting wall panels instead of rooftop ones. They are similar in shape and functionality.
3. Energy requirements

It is always a good idea to get solar panels installed at homes, but how many panels would be enough and sufficient for your house? This question could be answered by running a simple math formula over the house.
Just count the number of the electrical appliances that you would want to work on solar energy for the rest of their lives, and get the installations done accordingly.
These days, almost every new appliance can be directly operated with solar energy, without the need of getting them converted into other forms. Checking in with the energy requirements of your household could help you save money as it could prevent you from getting unnecessary and extra panels installed and fitted.
4. Water flow

Roofs are the primary line of defense and protection against any natural downpour, including rains and snowfalls. The rainwater usually slides down the roofs through a pipe attached to the latter and goes to either the drain or harvesting systems.
Solar panels after their installations and fittings can cause obstruction in the flow of water and can lead to leaks and water clogging. This is a situation that no one would want for their homes.
Thus, to avoid such a condition, it is advised to let the installers and technicians know about your doubts and concerns prior to the installation of the panels. They can provide you with some solutions to prevent water from leaking or clogging.
5. The right contractor

One of the most important things to check before planning on getting any solar panels for your house is to choose and pick the right contractors, who are experienced in the field of their work. With the cohort of solar panel users being already very low, it might become a hard job to pick the right person.
However, you can always search on the internet and pick your contractor on the basis of the reviews of other panel users of your city.
Solar panels are a once-in-a-lifetime deal and generally last up to a few decades with a few repairs and maintenance here and there. It, therefore, becomes very important for the users to pick up the best person who can give timely and detailed attention to the panels and the users whenever needed.
6. Quality of the panels

This is one of the last steps in the process of getting the installations done at your homes which you would not want to miss out on. Checking and researching the quality and type of material used in the panels is always a safe gamble.
Solar panels usually are installed for a few decades and are not something that can be replaced or changed easily. Cheaper and low-quality panels might get degraded soon, causing a lot of trouble to the owners and the contractors as well.
Investments should be made on high-quality panels, which would guarantee much longer productivity without any added hassle. In the long run, these panels would require the least maintenance and would provide a much larger return.
7. Warranties

Warranties are another set of necessities that you should know about before installing panels in your households. Solar panels come with a warranty of 25 to 30 years, given they were not tampered with manually.
Installation warranties can last from anything between 3 to 10 years, depending upon your contractor and the package. Anything which comes with a lesser warranty period than mentioned is a clear indication of a substandard and low-quality deal, and you should not be investing in them.
Solar panels are an alternative method of generating and using energy, and a much healthier and environmentally friendly option. It causes almost negligible pollution during electricity generation and is renewable. It is a step forward towards a brighter future, with sustainable development as an option for all.