Anyone who is a gaming enthusiast has heard or played World of Warcraft. It is the MMORPG with the most subscribers in the world – which holds the Guinness record for the most popular MMORPG.
It was also named the best game in the world for 2013-2014. After the action of this game, a film was made in 2016. However, whether this game managed to maintain its title and why people around the world love it so much – we will tell you in the text in front of you.
History Of WoW And Its Expansions

World of Warcraft, better known as WOW, is Blizzard’s series of multi-player online games – located in the Warcraft universe. This game was first introduced in 1994 titled Warcraft: Orcs and Humans.
However, the first launching of the game waited till mid-November 2004. That was symbolic because it was the decade after starting the franchise. After that, expansions just followed one another. The first sequel, called The Burning Crusade – was launched in early 2007.
The second sequel, Wrath of the Lich King was released in late 2008. WOW, “Cataclysm” came at the end of 2010 – while the fourth sequel, Mists of Pandaria followed two years later. The fifth and sixth expansions followed in 2014 and 2016 – while the seventh expansion, the famous WOW “Battle of Azeroth” is available to players from August 2018.
Shadowlands, Blizzard’s eighth expansion for their most famous MMORPG game – is available to all players since 2024, and Blizzard shared a tweet detailing the game after the release date was announced. So many expansions will truly tell you a lot about the game and its still huge popularity. Wow is still the most popular MMORPG in the world – holding even the Guinness World Record.
Is WoW Still The No.1 RPG Game?
Most definitely! This is supported by the fact that even people who are not from the world of gaming – are very interested in WoW. Just look at the number of views on YouTube, or followers of professional WoW players on popular gaming platforms.
Then, it will be clear to you that the phenomenon of WoW’s popularity is not waning at all. Moreover, each new extension is expected with increasing impatience. Even some problems with launching certain extensions had a great marketing impact – because they attracted even more people, at least in the discussion on the forums. Ultimately, the numbers never lie – and the number of WoW subscribers continues to break all the records.
If Video Games Are An Artistic Medium – WoW Is A Masterpiece

Just as movies did it in their time – video games have also revolutionized the modern age. The development of video games, from Pacman to the present day, has not only taken place in the domain of technology – but also in the story, the script, and the narration. We can certainly compare video games with movies, in some way, as an artistic medium.
And although video games are still not fully accepted as art – we can say that they deserve it in many ways. Perhaps, the right example of this is WoW with over ten million subscribers – who log in almost every day to play this now-famous game. And what is the secret of WoW’s popularity?
Are these the characters you choose to be, or perhaps the diversity of the worlds you explore? Or is it about the combat battles and the chance to buy all the necessary weapons in places like https://buy-boost.com/wow, and rank better? Let’s just say it’s a little bit of everything – but in the end, playing WoW gives you so much more.
WoW Develops Teamwork And Interaction Among Players
World of Warcraft is recognized by millions of players as an ideal space, not only for entertainment – but also for developing interpersonal relationships. Although it sounds almost impossible, it is true because, through technology, we somehow get a replacement for physical and social interaction – which we reduced during the pandemic period.
When you play WoW, there is no feeling of restraint – as often happens in real life. On the contrary, although some rules and patterns must be followed – it doesn’t create a feeling of restraint in players, but, on the contrary, helps to channel their actions in the direction of the story – and it is controlled by the players themselves.
In WoW, You Have The Opportunity To Create Your Screenplay

In World of Warcraft, everyone is free to build their story as they wish. You can guide your hero through the expanses you want – and explore the most diverse possibilities that WoW offers you.
In addition, the fact that you can design your own identity in the game and that you can change it to your preferences – brings you the freedom that is inconceivable in the real world. Although you do not have complete freedom and you must follow the rules of the game – you can still choose the character and weapons, members of your team, etc.
World of Warcraft allows you to be someone else, through a digital avatar – and playing in a group means that this is not just a fantasy but an exact social phenomenon.
Conclusion: The Secret Of WoW’s Popularity?
What makes WOW special, and why do so many people play this game? We can answer these questions easily. It is the new world that this game brings to us! Only after closer analysis of Azeroth, we can be sure that this game has quite solid reasons for its popularity.
This is a world where gaming takes place, and which is a sublimation of art and design, technology – as well as intertwined social and cultural patterns. The world of WoW is a world of great cultures, on one hand, modern – but with roots very deep in the past of European civilization. However, this complex virtual world transcends a mixture of history, myth, and pop culture – and becomes a cultural and civilizational pattern in itself.
This is no longer just a product created in the entertainment industry – it is a true phenomenon. This is a world full of opportunities to build new identities and new possibilities – so it is not surprising that the game is so popular and has become part of the everyday life of players.