Doing everyday tasks in certain industries implies not only using certain specialized equipment but also relying on it. There are numerous things the workers can only do if these appliances, devices, or tools are working as intended and making their job not only easier but possible.
One such tool is the air cooler. Used for all sorts of things from warehouses and workshops to personal use at home, air coolers are very versatile and usually mobile. They can truly be a lifesaver in certain scenarios where the need for better airflow and coolness is required for optimal performance.
If you rely on air coolers in your life for any purpose, you know how important it is and how difficult things would be without it. However, things can always be better and when it comes to air coolers, you can do quite a lot to make them more efficient.
Nobody will say no to even more airflow and coolness around themselves, so make sure to keep reading this article. In addition, we highly advise you to visit this website to check out one of the best air cooler models around.
1. Proper Storage and Care
No matter how crucial it is, the air cooler will have its down time when you are not using it. During this time, it needs to be properly stored. In addition, you must clean and maintain it the right way if you want it to work optimally and efficiently. There will be whole months when you will not need it as it will be cold or cool enough without it.
When you suspect that you will not need it for a while, clean it, pack it, and store it in a safe place to prolong its lifespan. This also ensures that it continues to work properly when you turn it on again after months. Portable coolers are great for this, and this is probably the one type you have anyway.
Another way you can care for it comes in the way of keeping track of humidity in the air. It should generally not be used when humidity is above 75%. Alternative solutions would be better and you will allow the air cooler to rest and not overwork itself. Care also comes in knowing what not to do while using it. Never use ice in the water you feed the cooler with.
2. Keep the Windows Open

Contrary to how you would use an AC unit, you have to keep the windows open when your air cooler is on. The AC cools the air that is already inside and filtrates it differently, but air coolers require a steady flow of fresh air if they are to work as intended. Air coolers actually depend on water and fresh air, not just water.
Many users make the mistake of allowing it enough water but keeping all the windows closed. Open the windows as soon as you turn it on and you can close them when you are done with the cooler.
Apart from fresh airflow, opening your windows (and doors if there are many rooms to be cooled) allows humid air to go out and prevent the buildup of moisture inside the building. Basically, you should not really be using the air cooler unless you can have at least one window open as it works its magic.
3. Using It in Dry Climates
This is not really a tip everyone will benefit from but it is a way to make the cooler more efficient. They work best in dry climates and places where the air is dry due to the nature of the work inside. There is nothing you can do about overly humid areas with air cooler, as mentioned above, so make sure to remember this when buying an air cooler.
If you want to maximize the efficiency of the one you have, use it only when the air is dry. This can be done by ensuring there is no humidity and water near where it is supposed to work. Again, this is not always ideal but it is something to keep in mind. Pro tip: make sure the water you use for the cooler is as cold as possible especially in very dry situations.
4. Use a Dehumidifier

Using one piece of technology to help another is often the best course of action. We live in an exciting time where gadgets exist for basically anything. If you cannot achieve the suitable level of dryness for your air cooler to function properly, what you can do is use a dehumidifier to lower the humidity levels in the area.
You already know that you will not be able to cool down a room or an open space if it is wet and hot all around you. Therefore, reduce the amount of water in the atmosphere by getting a quality dehumidifier to help your air cooler. They will complement each other nicely and provide your work space or relaxation area with the right balance of cool and humid.
5. Get Some Houseplants
Most households have them but not workplaces. Houseplants are natural dehumidifiers since they suck up the moisture from the indoor air, giving you better conditions for optimal air cooler use. Plants also prevent moisture buildup. You must make sure to get the right type of plant though, like Boston fern, Aloe Vera, cacti, English ivy, bromeliads, succulents, or euphorbia.
Having a few is more than enough, especially if you can get some larger plants that will absorb a lot of moisture. You may not even need a dehumidifier device if you make sure to get enough plants for your space.
6. Think about Positioning

The right position is everything when using an air cooler, especially portable ones. Since you can easily move them around, you may be inclined to place it wherever. This is not how you should do things though.
Every room is different, but what is universal when picking the right spot is choosing what you want to cool down the most. Try putting the cooler in the doorway or just inside the room you want to cool. Make sure it faces the center of the room and not a wall or a corner.
If you have the door behind it open, if the windows are open, and if there is a dehumidifier or a few plants there, you will never have to worry about the efficiency. Everyone in the room will feel it cool down rapidly within minutes!