The Hydroflask has long been one of the most popular amongst aquarium hobbyists. It provides a fantastic way to keep the tank clean and it does this without any damage to the fish. Here are a few things you need to know about the Hydros.
The Hydroflask is unique in that it can be removed from the aquarium easily, with no fish dying as a result. In fact, it will still contain the water, but you don’t have to re-fill the tank every time you empty the flask. This saves you time, money, and the hassle of getting out a sponge and using it to try and get the water back into the aquarium.
The Hydro Flask comes with a couple of internal accessories that are great for your tank. One is the Hydro Key Fob, which acts as a reservoir for your other accessories and keeps everything in place. A guide and light system are also included as well as a lightweight test kit. This is an important feature to consider if you’re only buying the Hydroflask as an accessory to an already existing setup.

Another item included with the Hydro Flask is the Yeti Hydros. The Yeti Hydros has the same cylindrical shape as the Hydros, except that it is larger, up to 5 liters in size. It provides more room for the other accessories such as the Butchery Kitted and the Yeti Moon Light. You also have the option of adding a Magnetic Base Mount that attaches magnetically to the Hydro Flask.
The Yeti Hydros is a great addition to your Hydroflask setup. It’s a great way to use the existing Hydroflask but in a smaller package. It is also very easy to use and it’s perfect for people who want a nice sized Yeti at home.
The Yeti has a proven reputation for its fantastic features and is the perfect aquarium display. Unlike the Hydroflask, it comes with the Full Mouth Tub and the Bubble Pipe. It has the same ability to use the heater as the Hydroflask, so all of the waste gets cleaned out at the same time.
The Yeti comes with the Bubble Pipe and has some exceptional cleaning capabilities. It is a deep cleaning system, so you don’t need to worry about any build up at all. Also, unlike the Hydroflask, this unit doesn’t have the chance to lose the oxygen content of the water.

The Yeti has a wonderful tank design, with smooth rounded edges and the inclusion of fins. It has a three-month warranty on the plastic and glass and the accessories. If you’re considering the Yeti Hydroflask, then it is really important to look at the price of the Yeti Hydros compared to the price of the Hydro Flask.
As you can see, the Yeti Hydros is superior in all areas and makes a great aquarium addition. It is completely competitive with the Hydroflask and only costs half as much as the Hydros. Not only is it smaller but it’s more lightweight and easier to use.
The Hydros is great to look at, but not everyone has the space for it. For people who don’t have the room for the Hydros, it is definitely worth looking at the Yeti Hydros as an alternative.
Now, don’t get me wrong, the Yeti is a great tank and gives you more than you need with the purchase. However, the Hydro Flask is a better aquarium also offers some very useful features to help you maintain your fish. It also doesn’t take up any room in your aquarium and will last you many years with a minimum of maintenance.