From the entrance to the bathroom all the way to the living room, the wooden floor is the central place of the interior in any home. Although not every person notices it, it gives a special feeling to the ambient, warmth, and comfort other floor materials simply cannot give.
Parquet is a favorite in apartments more than ever because, as was said, it provides warmth and is completely natural, just as the more robust but equally warm rustic floor is popular in cottages and holiday homes.
What kind of final impression we want to achieve depends on the composition, color, method of installation, and dimensions of wood flooring, more about which can be found here. Although the market offers a large selection of wooden floors, we are not always ready to make large investments, however, change is sometimes necessary.
So, what do we do if we want to keep a wooden floor scratch less and look as fresh as possible? It’s simple – just follow a couple of tricks we write about in this article that will prevent your hardwood floor from being damaged. Read below, what we suggest you do implement in your daily routine.
1. Avoid dragging furniture directly on the floor
Hardwood is a great material, and the scratches that occur on it are mostly left from dragging furniture items that are either too heavy or too big to lift. Sometimes, all it takes are a couple of dining chairs being dragged while taking a seat at the table.
To avoid scratching one needs to be aware of how important it is to lift a furniture piece every time you want to move it. This suggestion may come difficult to apply when you have kids, but make sure you explain to them to either call for help when there’s a need to move something or be patient until someone else arrives, if there’s no one to help them right away.
2. Go for rugs

Aside from adding a decorative touch to the room, rugs have one additional role you’ll love them for – protecting your hardwood floor. If you assess the furniture is being dragged mostly in the dining room, for instance, it is exactly a place where you should put a rug in. In fact, wherever you see a potential for damaging your precious floors, go for rug shopping and your floors will remain immaculate and scratch less.
3. Use pads
If rugs are definitely not your style (and this is understandable, because they can be demanding when it comes to maintenance), then use furniture pads. For every piece that has “legs”, apply furniture pads that will protect the floors, and make the dragging not so damaging. They are usually made of felt, so every time you move something, it will go smoother and without risk of damage.
4. Repair damaged furniture feet

Furniture feet can be worn out from usage and dragging, and this is probably the thing that makes the most scratches on your floors. What is highly suggested is to inspect every furniture piece you have in your home and work on repairing the damaged feet. Once you’re done with this, then install felt pads to add more protection.
5. Install wheels
If you have a piece of furniture that needs constant moving, then consider installing wheels on its corners. They will make the moving way easier, not to mention reduce the risk of scratching the floors. Nowadays they can be purchased in different stores and even removed when you do not need them anymore.
Basically, you can buy a set of universal furniture moving wheels you can install on a piece every time it needs moving. It’s a great way to protect your furniture. Below are a couple of reasons you should choose hardwood floors for your home…
6. Thermal insulation is good

If you want to have a well-insulated house, this material should be your priority. When we are in the coldest seasons, the wooden floor has the advantage of having a high coefficient of thermal insulation. In this way, the floor retains heat in the home, despite the low temperatures outside.
7. It is a very durable material
It has a very long lifespan, when it is cared for and given the best treatment, it can be kept intact for years and years. In addition, the thickness of the wooden floor is crucial to make this maintenance more durable.
8. It is hypoallergenic

If you decide to put a wooden floor in your home, keep in mind that you will keep allergies away because there is usually not as much dust in it as on other floors. Pollen or various agents that are often the cause of unwanted allergies do not absorb wood floors as well.
9. It adds up to the aesthetics
A floor made of this material is quite a decorative factor, and any house with wooden floors is guaranteed to have a very warm and elegant climate. So, aesthetically, they are a must-have. Floors like this help to improve the furniture and all the items that are in it.
Besides, wood gets a great variety of colors and finishes ideal for adaptation to all homes. Aside from keeping your floors scratch less, there are times they may need some additional TLC to regain their shiny look. This can be done by sanding and lacquering. In addition to standard sanding, staining, and varnishing, you can also repaint it.
Today, there are colors for everything, including wooden floors. If you feel motivated to do some DIY painting and restoring, this can be done entirely by yourself, with the consultation, of course, provided by a professional. You don’t want to ruin them, of course.
Choosing a wooden floor or not must be related to a number of characteristics of the material itself, as well as advantages and disadvantages, in addition, we must be clear about what type of wooden floor can be installed in our home and what types of furniture will accompany it.