If you own a pet you have to ask yourself: how often should you feed your furry pal? Are you cautious with your habits, or do you overfeed your cat? A lot of people (especially first-time owners) aren’t even sure what are some do’s and don’ts when it comes to feeding their cats. Each pet is different, but a lot of rules go for the same kind. Keep on reading to see if you’ve been a good pet owner or if there are some ways how you can improve.
8 Mistakes To Avoid When Feeding Your Cat
1. You are overfeeding them
Did you know that a study that’s been done in the U.S. has shown that over 35% of American cats were obese?! A lot of Americans tend to push the limits and push the boundaries when it comes to their pets. Not only that their obesity levels are high, but 45% of Americans are obese themselves! The only way that you can prevent this is by weighing food or sticking to the same regimen or feeding guidelines that have been prescribed by a vet. Do not think that just because your cat is meowing that it is hungry. They might be trying to get your attention because they want to drink water, or play! Think twice and do not overdo it. For more information on how much to feed your cat, please visit here.
2. Restricting access to some food
Cats are simple creatures that can eat pretty much anything with the same level of excitement as you present it to them. A lot of them prefer to be free-fed. This means leaving your food out on the floor where it is reachable, allowing them to graze on whenever they want. However, this doesn’t mean that you should go wild with your portions or leave them to free-fed however they like. You will have to restrict some foods, or at least leave them in cabinets where cats can’t reach them. Some cats can also have allergies to some foods, which is why it is a good idea to test them and their nutritional needs.
3. Do not feed them with dry food only

Just like you wouldn’t feed yourself with dry foods only, why do it to your cat? Can anyone live off McDonald’s or other fast-food restaurants in a healthy way? Chances are unlikely. Cats naturally produce highly concentrated urine, which means that they have to add liquids often to their diet. Every vet will recommend moisture-rich canned food as a way to prevent any stomach or urinary tract problems. Wet and liquid foods will hose down your cat’s bladder several times a day, while also giving them something new and fun to look forward to.
4. Consider their age
Did you know that not all cats prefer (or can) even eat the same types of food? Small kittens, adults, or cats that are 10+ years old will demand different types of food, as well as quantities. It’s crucial to ensure that you’re not feeding your cat foods that aren’t the best fit for their differing needs. Always read the back label of your purchased product and only then proceed to feed him or her. Measure the right amount of scoops before you put the food in their bowl. Don’t try to feed them by your ”gut” feeling, it never goes right.
5. Not giving enough water
Just like water is important for us humans, it is also key for our little pets (every pet). Water makes for 60% to 70% of an adult cat’s body weight, meaning that cats can’t go without it. This is why it is crucial to keep them hydrated at all times, especially when out in the sun or in high heat. You should pay attention to where the cat likes to be so that there’s water within that spot or corner for him or her to drink. See if they can drink tap water or if they fancy bottled kinds. Once you figure this out place the water and leave them to it!
6. You are providing them with a vegetarian diet

Cats specify as obligate carnivores. Carnivores are an animal that must eat the tissue of other animals to thrive, survive, and grow big, healthy, and strong. You can’t change their history, structure, or DNA, which means that you can’t put them on an all-plant-based diet (even if it is so good for you and it does wonders for your body). Cats are different. They crave animal-based products to survive, so add chicken, fish, or turkey meat to satisfy their needs. You can add some vegetables every here and there, but they are not mandatory.
7. You are not reading labels + you are feeding them with improper foods
Did you know that some items and foods are considered to be harmful and dangerous for kittens? Most vets will tell you to stay away from giving cats milk and dairy products, along with chocolate, and garlic. Why is this so? Most cats are lactose intolerant and can therefore suffer from a number of stomach problems after drinking milk. Why risk it and give it to your cat anyway?! A cat’s body is not able to digest milk completely. Think twice about adding any new food and read the label and its ingredients.
8. The way you feed your cat

Just like us, humans like to go out for dinner and book fancy restaurants (we love to be spoiled), so do cats. In fact, they hate to go through trashcans, and they don’t like to eat just anywhere in the house. Make sure to avoid anything that might smell strange to your cat, and pay close attention to your chosen bowl. If you are tired of dealing with a cat’s lethargy, weight gain, and occasional vomiting, check out mainecoonhawaii.com. You can read a review on different types of slow feeder cat bowls and find the best one for your furry pal! Everything is explained in-depth, meaning that you will easily find an option that suits you!