Recently, Instagram has slowly but surely begun to play the role of a marketplace in our lives. Demand creates supply, but it is not known what came first: the chicken or the egg. It is known for certain that Instagram is the only social network where users are most friendly to commercial content (subject to its visual appeal) and use the platform’s internal search to find products and services.
Therefore, at first glance, it seems that it is almost impossible to imagine a store without an account on this platform. But not everything is so simple. Today we will look at what should be the promotion of the store so that there is no need to buy Instagram likes on posts with photos of your products.
Stores are different. Depending on the subject of the business, not only the approach to content and promotion will differ, but also the appropriateness of using this site. To understand whether this service is suitable for you to promote or not, do a little analysis: see if your competitors use the site, other brands in your subject, and brands in related subjects.
Look at what exactly they do, how much effort they put into it, and what results they get. Next, decide whether you want to take risks and go the hard way if the picture is sad.
If you understand that you will not be able to reach the necessary audience and you will often have to buy real Instagram likes in order for posts to get good statistics, then you should consider other options.
Offline distribution
The main task is to create traffic to stores. You need to motivate the user to come to the store. In terms of content, the strategy will not be much different from the strategy for an online store. Your task is to show the product in the most advantageous light.
However, in this case there is an additional aspect. Recently, with the development of online commerce, going to the store for the consumer is losing its former relevance. Think about what needs a potential buyer can fulfill by coming to the store (which he cannot do online): the help of a consultant, a beautiful interior, hot coffee, etc.
Be sure to indicate your geography of distribution in the profile header if it does not cover the whole country. If you have a small number of outlets, a great method is to indicate addresses and a map on how to get there in the pinned stories.
When placing posts with goods, indicate in which of the stores it is available (if the assortment and geography are small). Use local geo-targeting for users who live, work or often visit your store (with other targeting overlaid to outline your target audience).
Online distribution

Paid traffic for an online store is one of the main sources of user acquisition. Your main friend is targeted advertising with a target action button. The most important thing here is the correct setting of goals and targeting. In the header, do not forget to include a link to the site with a hardwired utm-tag to track the effectiveness of the channel.
When promoting an online store, it is important to pay attention to the content. When publishing posts, be sure to indicate which ones are shown on the visual and how much they cost. With a large assortment, it is also desirable to indicate the product number for searching on the site. If you are the lucky owner of at least 10,000 subscribers, then create a version of the catalog in highlights with links to relevant products on the site. This is a great opportunity to showcase your product on video.
Assortment width
With a narrow assortment of several product items, you will have to be a little more inventive in content, but otherwise this will not limit you much.
In this case, it becomes possible to go deeper and tell more about your product, show it from different angles: tell us about production, customer service, use macro and tell about the composition, demonstrate in different situations or on models of different types (if we are talking about clothes, jewelry etc.), show the showroom.
With a wide range of lighting products to choose from, start with business goals. In different periods of time, the emphasis is on the promotion of different products, based on seasonality. At the end of the summer, talk about what the students will need at school, and for the new year, offer ideas for Christmas gifts.
Consumption format
Analyze the user’s path. Do users tend to buy your product spontaneously or is it a purchase that is usually planned and pre-researched for selection. With spontaneous purchases, everything is relatively simple. The visual presentation and minimization of the actions required for the purchase are important here.
With a longer journey, things are a little more complicated. You need to give the user more information about the product, understand how you differ from competitors and focus on the benefits, differentiate yourself with the help of content and design (so that you will be remembered from the general mass of similar companies), actively work with questions and customer support, deeply analyze the target audience and its needs. Provide content that will work every step of the way to a purchase. Your content policy and targeted advertising settings depend on the answers to these questions.
Target audience and its behavior on the site
Remember that when choosing a promotion strategy, not only your goals and target audience are important. You go into the digital community with your audience, generally accepted norms and features of interaction. With a tendency to grow the community, you will find some ways to do it, one of these is with Gatherxp. Respect and consider this fact.
Users will be loyal to you if they receive the content they are ready for at the moment. Before entering any platform, carefully study it and analyze the formats of interaction with the audience.

There is no single instruction. Every business is unique in its own way. For promotion in any channel to be effective, you need to work with your marketing strategy and the benefits of your product. Analyze and design your unique path to success.