So, you are counting the days until you finally relocate to your new house. It is definitely not every day that you move out of your home, but a serious remodel must include more than just choosing the right bed size for your master bedroom. Without proper planning, the entire relocation can be unnecessarily stressful. So, it is important not to underestimate the amount of time and effort needed to finish tasks that you need to do when designing your new house before you move.
It is frequently the case that house designing, remodeling and cleaning before the move-in lasts much more than what or your contractor might anticipate. That is why you should always leave a few more days to make your new home truly ready for you to move in. Another unwritten rule of house remodeling states that you should always invest a little bit more money and get a, for example, licenced plumber to fix your toilet.
Now that we have covered the basics of house preparation, let’s see what you should not skip when remodeling your new house before you move.
Paint the ceilings as well as the walls

There is no better way to give your new house a nice, cozy feeling than to give it a fresh coat of paint. This will fix all the cracks, spots, drops, holes, and other imperfections on the walls. Also, when you choose the paint, pay attention to the amount of light that enters the rooms. A lighter color can help your room appear brighter if there is not a lot of light coming in.
Another thing you should definitely not set aside is the painting of the ceilings as well as the walls. Some people make the mistake and only repaint the walls, but it is also important to refresh the ceiling for that ‘new home’ effect.
Do not disregard the decoration that you already have

If you are redesigning your new home, you might be tempted to redesign it from the ground up. This urge is all to natural, but you might be actually underestimating the decor that you already have.
The art of decorating is not so much what items you have, but how you piece them together in the living space. A living space that has both your old and new decoration can make the room seem messy, even chaotic.
Do not go overboard with decoration.
Living in cramped conditions when there’s no need for it is truly silly. That is why you should approach designing your new house before you move in with an open, strategical mind. Not to mention you will also save up a lot of money if you decorate your house frugally.
Add plants

People usually associate remodeling and designing as large projects that involve comprehensive checkups of the building’s structural integrity, improvements of large home system such as the sewage, piping, etc. And this is definitely true. You need to make sure your pipes don’t freeze in the winter and cause a small natural disaster as a result.
Yet, there is much more to home design and remodeling than making sure your home is inhabitable. After these large, important checkups, you can move on to more creative designing projects.
Our favorite way to add a personal touch to a new home is to add interesting plants. And as many of them as possible. Plants render the home as cozy, stylish, and above all, healthy. The air in your home will be super fresh once you move in. Can you be welcomed better than that?
Instead of traditional decoration, you can design your home with plants.
Clean your house to perfection

Even if the remodeling you are doing in your new house is not too advanced, you should put in the effort and clean your house impeccably. You can do this on your own, or hire someone to do this for you if you are moving long-distance. Whatever your choice may be, you will be grateful that you had enough foresight to clean everything thoroughly before the moving crew transported your belongings to your new house.
Cleaning before the move is a life-saver.
The main reason why thorough home cleaning should never be skipped is that you simply won’t have time to clean your home once your stuff gets delivered into the home. With the numerous boxes and furniture pieces laying all over the apartment, cleaning will probably be a nightmare. If this happens, do not worry. You can ask an experienced company such as bigmansmoving.com to assist you and move the furniture and boxes from room to room while the cleaning takes place.
Sometimes it happens that people assume that their new house is clean enough. However, this may turn out not to be the case. You might start to place your decoration and realize that the carpeting is actually filthy. Perhaps there are still paint remains or dirt piled up from construction work. That is why you need to clean every nook and cranny before you start to move in your things. For more details, you can check beavermaids.
Avoid placing all the furniture before the move

So your home was cleaned and you rushed to arrange your furniture before your family moves in. You have placed everything in spots where you assumed they fit best. But then… You realized that the placement does not make any sense in the new house.
There is no place for haste when you are designing your house before you move in. First of all, most people just start dragging the furniture without any pre-planning. Not only can this ruin your flooring, it can also be just tiring and pointless. Make two or three drafts with various combinations of the furniture you want to place. Try out piece by piece, and make adjustments on the spot.