Everything we own has at some point been invented by somebody. While some inventions seem pretty standard and usual, others have a lot more complexity to them. These inventions also changed the way society works quite a lot, leaving quite a mark in our everyday lives. Be it materials, machinery, tools, or simple items they all have a spot within human history as something that has greatly changed our way of life. We’ve compiled some of the most impactful ones below, with some expected entries and some wild ones to keep it fun and diverse.
1. Computer

The first computer, or at least what’s considered the first computer, bears little resemblance to the computers of today. In fact, Charles Babbage’s analytic engine doesn’t share many visual features with ENIAC either, which is a lot closer to it in terms of age.
Of course, this engine wasn’t powered by electricity. Instead, the analytic engine would use steam as a source of energy. Babbage’s invention could calculate mathematical equations with ease, crunching down any necessary mathematical problems into more digestible ones. While ENIAC holds a similar spot as a game-changer in humanity’s technological development, it doesn’t hurt to mention its lesser-known predecessor too.
The impact this invention had on the world is apparent. Not only did the fact analytic engine exists boost other inventors to try and improve on the concept, it severely simplified the way complex calculations were done. While nowadays we could find the superior source of calculating capabilities on our phones, the times when this device was made weren’t as advanced.
However, if you have a particular idea on how to enhance some of the currently utilized items or want to make a new invention completely make sure to check out Invent Help to get assistance with any project you may do.
It also helps to check out https://kulturehub.com/inventhelp-step-by-step-guide-inventor/ to grasp the basics of inventing.
2. Plastic

There are plentiful inventions we take for granted nowadays, acting as if they’ve always existed in human society. One such is plastic which was first developed in 1869 by John Wesley Hyatt. Hyatt’s development of plastic happened as he was looking to create a cheap substitute for ivory billiard balls. Through experimentation, he created a mouldable and versatile material called celluloid. This was the first synthetic plastic material, beginning an age of plastic.
Plastic can be found everywhere nowadays no matter whether it’s packaging, clothes, items, devices, protective layers, or any other item. The universally used material has one major drawback though, it isn’t biodegradable. This is why plastic is slowly being replaced in certain fields with more fruitful and less troublesome materials nowadays. However, it still keeps a very firm spot within our society and every industry for now.
3. Airplane

All forms of transport could easily make it onto the list due to their undisputed versatility and importance. The fact that humans can travel from one end of the world to another in a relatively short span of time is incredibly impressive especially when you consider that such trips could last months during past centuries.
This is why we have to give a mention to the airplane. Everybody knows of the Wright brothers’ famous first flight which lasted a few seconds yet changed so much. Even though it was only invented in 1903, the airplane has been upgraded and reinvented so many times during the first few decades of its inception. Today, airplanes have become an important way of transport as well as the safest one. While rare tragedies make first-time fliers anxious to step on a plane, the speed of travel definitely makes them appreciate bridging their fears.
No matter whether it’s the transport of people or materials, airplanes have shown to be a great choice for those who can afford them and there’ll probably be no better way of air travel for a while into the future.
4. Artificial intelligence

Entering the middle part of the 20th century, we have the invention of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is also known as machine learning and it is defined as the situation where machines can learn by themselves as well as improve their method of working as time passes.
The first example of this came in 1955 when Newell and Simon pioneered AI technology with a special program that managed to choose the most reliable branch among multiple given choices when solving problems. This technology has since then advanced and found its place in various fields. However, this invention is still in its infancy when it comes to utilizing its full potential. The potential self-learning machines have is enormous and it could lead to some fascinating advances in technology.
5. The container

From the complex AI, we switch to something so mundane you won’t believe it came after our previous entry. That being the container. A simple steel container is actually an invention that started being used around 1956, revolutionizing trade and cutting costs of transporting goods. Containers can fit onto just about any vehicle but you’ll usually see them on cargo ships. It wouldn’t be too unrealistic to say that containers helped international trade to rise quite a lot after the war. While there’s not much to it, the benefits of the container definitely warrant a note on here.
6. The personal computer

Although computers themselves were an impressive step forward in the overall scientific progress of mankind, personal computers brought elaborate machinery and computing power to everybody’s households. This was made possible due to the invention of the microchips which severely toned down the size of computers and allowed for the creation of computers that can be kept on a desk.
The utility of computers doesn’t need much elaboration as we can see their use everywhere. They are used for work, relaxation, hobbies, and much more. The versatility of these devices makes them important to any profession and omnipresent in our society.
7. The mobile phone

In the same vein as personal computers, we have mobile phones. While the original phone was an impressive invention itself, mobile phones gave us the ability to take calls on the move, exchange messages, keep track of time, and other features we couldn’t get with the simple landline phone. The first mobile phones cropped up in the 1980s but you’ll hardly find any of their kind around anymore.
Most phones nowadays are smartphones which expanded the initial list of functionality by quite a lot. The first smartphone was invented in 2007 and the consistent upgrades have turned these phones into powerful devices that can be used for just about anything.